.:: Stick Note ::.

Salam semua,

Kepada semua kawan2 & blogger2 yg lain...
Sudi2kanlah menjengah ke blog ke-2 saya:

May 22, 2009

A Friend Is Someone

A Friend Is Someone

A friend is someone who is always there, 
A friend is someone who will always care, 

A friend is someone who lends me a shoulder to cry on, 
A friend is someone who listens to my thought

A friend is someone who's like an angel, 
A friend is someone who helps me no matter what 

A friend is someone who loves you for who you are, 
A friend is someone who treats you just like family 

A friend is someone who calm me when something bad happens,
A friend is someone who try to makes me happy when I’m sad

A Best friend is all of the above and much much more, 


p/s: million of thanks to all my friends no matter where you are...

A friend is someone who willing to be friend with me

-that alls-
- please leave some comments-
- terima kasih, shukran, thank you, xie xie & arigato gozaimasu-


mYshah said...

hehe. kite pren gak kan faiz? huuhu. walaupon mcm asek aku je mintak tlg kat ko. (aish malu la plak)

nway thanx for being my pwen too ^^

p.s: suweet la ko nih. hahaha.shuk bile da ade azwa baru jadi suweet. ko ni ade cite baru ke?

mfk said...

of course we are frenz shah...
walaupun bukan la best frenz...

thx for being my friend too..

p/s: harap2 suweet shuk berjangkit dgn semua org spy jadi suweeet.. ala suweet nya...

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