Bukan nak nyatakan ia betul atau bukan...atau menimbulkn kontroversi ape2...
tapi bende ni dah lama tau since kat sekolah dulu...tapi mungkin juga ramai yg dah tau... entah la... tapi pd pendapat aku, bila pkir2 balik betul jugak... tapi aku tau bukan semua "women" mcm tu... bergantung kpd hati budi masing.. lain org lain ragamnya, tapi kebanyakannya mcm tu ...betul ke? ye la... ramai org muda skrg ni nak kawin datuk2 or dato' yg dah "agak berusia"... tapi kalau dah jodoh tak kemana... fikirkan2 lah... korang rase mcm mana?
p/s: aku bukan jenis yg streotyping person k..
argh i'm tired.... work too hard to finish all my work & work hard to prepare & plan for final exam this becoming 6 weeks (plus study week), i can't procrastinate my work anymore... i'm afraid that i can't cover all topics necessary for both posting. is it I have anxiety d/o now? oh no, really scared bcoz I'm not like other person who just study once about that topics & can remember all fact easily... i'm kind of person that have read & repeat so many time to understand & remember those &%*# facts... study hard person but do it in smart way.. rasenya la..therefore.. prepare la awal.. walaupun ramai je yg pandang rendah diri ini.. but i believe in myself... like pic below.. haha..ye2 je...
hm... medic sucks.... masyaAlllah, tetibe sgt benci kat course ni.. n rase macam nak datang period. maaf gunekan ruang ni untuk berbuat sedemikian
ye la shah.. aku stuju.. aku xtau nape amik medic ni.. aiyoooo.... tp nak wat cne.. dah t'amik.. kne cari gak minat 2 smpai jumpe..
about women = money 2.. aku xde la x setuju tp xde la agree sgt coz aku rase sume bende pun needs money.. skrang ni duit 2 adalah satu keperluan.. cume depends on individu 2 je yg just perlukan duit utk ape yg perlu o untuk ape yg die nak tp x perlu.. erkk.. paham x? haha
uhuk2..tersedak2 aku membacenye..huhu~
honestly..i do think women are costly..ape yang boleh buat tanpa pakai duit..? kawen pon kene pakai duit kan..hehe
lets call it investment. men invest in women, and you get profit in return. fair enough right...? hehe =]
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